The story of GTA Vice City revolves around Mafia hitman Tommy Vercetti, a man who worked inside the Mafia but, after being involved in a drug deal gone wrong, he went to prison for 15 years. Then, after went out, he searched the Mafia, but it did not want to reintegrate him to organization. So, Vercetti started to build a criminal empire in Vice City (modeled after Miami) and always want to hunt Sonny Forelli, his old boss. This game is set in 1986 and its inspiration from 1980s American Culture.
This man is the protagonist: Tommy Vercetti
There are many images of Tommy and I took one in this website.
Today, many game players have played this game, because it belongs one of the most popular games: GTA (Grand Theft Auto). It was made by Rockstar in 2002 and it made many popular
games such as Bully.
To me, GTA Vice City is one of the best games that I have played in my life, because it has a great story and it innovates, because on that time, there are not many technologies than today. This game, I think, has one engine (motor engine) and the modern games have about three engines.
I play this game and I beat it. Some things are funny such as Vercetti destroys many helicopters but he cannot swim. But, we should regard that this game was made in 2002 and, in my opinion, the producers made a real miracle with that engine.